This is the salad that I take to pot luck dinners and it always gets a good reception.  It goes best with Chuck’s salad dressing recipe that can be made fresh.  Give it a try! Ingredients: 1 large bag of romaine lettuce or spinach greens 1 can Mandarin oranges in juice not syrup, 11 ounces,  chilled and drained ¼ pound fresh mushrooms, cleaned and sliced thin ½ cup slivered almonds Salad dressing to taste – try Chuck’s recipe First, toast the slivered almonds by spreading them on a cookie sheet and placing them in a 350 degree oven for about 10 minutes.  Watch them very carefully since they burn easily, stirring once or twice.  Take them out a little earlier than when you think they are done.  Give them five minutes to cool down because they will get a little crunchier as they cool.  Then you can taste them to see if they are done. Combine all ingredients, toss with dressing and serve!
Mandarin Orange Salad
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