This is possibly my most complicated recipe. Well, maybe not complicated, but “involved” with lots of steps.
But is it worth the trouble? I will let you decide. This dessert treat earns lots of praise from friends and family
members who try it. I normally make a double batch as the holiday season approaches, so that I have plenty to hand
out all during the holiday season.
What makes this treat involved is that it has a
delicious pecan pie-like filling carried on a home made
pastry shell that can all be cut up into bite sized squares
for nibbling. It looks great and tastes even better.
The recipe is measured out to fit a standard pastry
jellyroll pan which has the dimensions of 15.5 x 10.5 x 1
inch. If you cannot find a jellyroll pan, try a cookie sheet
with a large lip on the side and make a double batch to
make sure you have enough material to fill the larger
cookie sheet. If you use a cookie sheet then a double recipe will be too much dough, just make the dough in the pan
a little less than a ¼ inch thick.
Let’s begin with the ingredients for the pastry shell:
8 ounces (two sticks) unsalted butter at room temperature
½ cup sugar
1 egg, beaten
¼ teaspoon salt
The grated rind of 1 lemon (just use a grater to scrape off all the yellow peel part)
3 cups sifted flour
aluminum foil
jellyroll pan
Use some extra butter to grease the whole inside of the pan, including the sides. To butter
a pan, I peel off just a quarter of the paper wrapping of a new stick of butter and hold it by the
paper end and rub the whole pan with the exposed end.
Turn the pan upside down and roll out and tear off enough foil to cover the whole pan with
¾ inch extra on all sides. Fold all the sides down to mold the foil to the shape of the pan, then
remove it. Turn the pan over, right side up, and fit the molded foil inside the pan. Then use that
extra butter to butter the foil well. So, now you have a buttered pan with a foil liner that is also
buttered on top in turn. Place the pan in the freezer to chill, so that the pastry dough will stick
well to the foil.
I use a mixer to beat the rest of the ingredients but you can beat it by hand if you like. Start
with the softened butter, then add the sugar and mix well. Then add the egg, salt and lemon rind
and beat to combine. Now add the flour gradually, using a spatula to make sure the flour is
incorporated fully.
Now it’s time to remove the pan from the freezer and line it with the dough. What I do is
use my fingers to break off tablespoon sized chunks of dough and line them up like soldiers in
lines all through the pan, 1 1/2 inches apart. This is a way to measure out the dough on the pan
so that I don’t use too much on one side and run out of dough. Be sure to reserve a few
tablespoons of dough aside for patching the pastry shell after it cooks. Use your thumbs and
work the dough flat to cover the pan. Work a little dough up each side of the pan to contain the
filling to come. It helps if you dust your fingers with a little flour so that your fingers don’t stick to
the dough when you are working it.
The important thing to remember is to not have any thin spots on the bottom of the shell so
you will avoid leaks. Also, work the dough all the way up the sides of the pan, even a little over
the sides, so that the filling will not overflow.
When you are done, take a fork and prick the bottom of the shell, spaced all over at about
1 inch apart or so. Then take this prepared shell and place it back in the freezer to chill for about
15 minutes.
Then you are ready to bake the shell in a preheated oven at 375 degrees for 20 minutes. Watch the shell
carefully. The pricking by the fork should help keep the shell from puffing up, but if it puffs on you then briefly open
the oven door and use a fork to prick the puffs and they will settle back down ok. An extreme trick if you need it: with
stubborn puffing you can place a small potholder on the puffing dough and that will keep it down for good.
When done, the tops of the shell will start to turn brown and the bottom of the shell will be dry. Remove it from
the oven to cool down, but keep the oven on while you prepare the filling. Patch any holes or cracks with the
reserved raw dough. You don’t want any of the filling to leak out. The raw dough will cook ok in the steps that follow.
Whew – we are half done!
And now for the filling:
8 ounces (two sticks) unsalted butter at room temperature
½ cup honey
¼ cup sugar
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons dark brown sugar, firmly packed
¼ cup heavy cream
20 ounces (about 5 cups) shelled raw pecan halves or large pieces, first toasted on a cookie sheet in a 325
degree oven for 10-12 minutes and cooled
Making candy filling like this requires high temperatures so be careful, and keep stirring to prevent burning. If
anything burns the burnt taste it imparts will be horrible and the filling will be ruined.
Use a 3-4 quart saucepan over nearly high heat to warm the butter and honey, stirring constantly so that
nothing will burn. Add the white sugar and the brown sugar and bring everything to a boil. Now stop stirring and let
this mixture boil for exactly 2 minutes on nearly high heat, then remove the pan from the heat and pour in the heavy
cream. This is the cool part, the cream sizzles the mixture and it all shrinks and turns candy-like in seconds. Then
stir in well all the pecans and let the mixture sit and cool for 2-4 minutes.
Take the pan with the pastry shell out of the freezer. With a slotted spoon, ladle all the pecans onto the shell,
and use the back of the spoon to spread the pecans all over the shell. If you are using a cookie sheet instead of a
jellyroll pan, ladle on only just enough pecans to cover the shell and only overlap them a little bit.
After ladling on the pecans, pour on all the rest of the sugar/cream mixture evenly over the whole pastry shell
and pecans. It will look as though there is not enough liquid, but there really is. Again, if you are using a cookie
sheet, just pour on enough mixture to barely cover the whole pastry shell. If you pour on too much it will overflow and
burn the inside of your oven and smell really bad. The filling swells up a great deal while it bakes in the oven.
Bake the shell and filling at 375 degrees for 25 minutes. If you position your oven rack one third up from the
bottom of the oven that will help prevent burning the tips of the pecans. You will see that the filling expands to fit the
shell very well. Cool the sheet.
When it has cooled, place an extra cookie sheet over the top of the pastry shell. Hold the two sheets together
tightly and flip them over so you can remove the jellyroll pan and the foil. The shell may look greasy, but that’s ok
since the butter will be absorbed with time. Cover the upside down pastry shell with that extra cookie sheet and flip it
over again so that it is right side up.
Let everything cool very well, or chill it in a refrigerator for a time. The sheet is easier to cut when chilled. Move
the sheet to a cutting board and use a long chef’s knife to cut the sheet into squares that are 1.5 inches or so square.
They freeze well, if you like.
I hope you think this dessert treat is worth the trouble - enjoy!
Extra Help:
To make one sheet of pecan squares here is everything that you need. I have added together all the
ingredients for both the shell and the filling to make an easy shopping list:
16 ounces (four sticks) unsalted butter
½ cup honey
¾ cup sugar
1 egg
one lemon
3 cups flour
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons brown sugar firmly packed
¼ cup heavy cream
20 ounces (about 5 cups) shelled raw pecan halves or large pieces, first toasted on a cookie sheet in a 325
degree oven for 10-12 minutes and cooled
Pecan Squares